

        沈树忠,1961年10月出生于浙江湖州,地层古生物学家,中国科学院院士,南京大学地球科学与工程学院教授、博士生导师,南京大学生物演化与环境科教融合中心主任 。1981年沈树忠毕业于浙江煤炭工业学校;1986年和1989年分别获得中国矿业大学硕士和博士学位;1989年博士毕业之后留校任教,先后担任讲师、副教授  ;1996年公派到日本新泻大学理学部做博士后;从澳大利亚引进到中国科学院南京地质古生物研究所工作;2006年至2010年担任科技部973项目首席科学家;2012年入选江苏省333新世纪科学技术带头人(第一层次);2015年增选为中国科学院院士  ;2018年全职加入南京大学  。沈树忠主要从事二叠纪腕足动物化石系统分类学、生物大灭绝及其以后的复苏、定量生物古地理学、生物多样性和古环境学等方面的研究  。 

        研究领域:主要从事二叠纪腕足动物化石系统分类学、生物大灭绝及其以后的复苏、定量生物古地理学、生物多样性和古环境学等方面的研究.1994年第一次赴西藏希夏邦马峰地区进行野外工作以后对喜马拉雅地区二叠纪地质产生浓厚兴趣.先后5次进入西藏进行野外地质工作,分别对藏南地区的色龙剖面、土隆剖面和珠穆朗玛峰地区的曲布剖面进行了详细的地层和古生物研究,发表了一系列论著,建立了喜马拉雅地区的高分辨率的二叠系-三叠系地层和地球化学剖面,基本阐明了南方高纬度地区的二叠纪末生物大灭绝模式.2011年与团队成员和国际合作者一起通过高精度生物地层、同位素年龄、生物多样性、地球化学等研究在Science上发表文章论证了二叠纪末生物大灭绝是一次发生在20万年以内的灾变性事件,并且海陆生态系统同时受到重创。  此外,每年数次到华南各地进行二叠纪地层和腕足动物化石群的研究,特别对广西来宾、四川重庆、贵州贵定、云南保山地块等地二叠纪地层和腕足动物化石群进行了详细地研究。对建立详细的大型数据库具有浓厚的兴趣。完整建立了二叠纪各个阶的全球腕足动物数据库,并按阶对全球腕足动物的分布进行定量分析,目前已经形成了一套从数据库的建立,到数据分析,最后结合大地构造重建图进行解释的一整套研究方法。此外,还对石炭纪-三叠纪腕足动物多样性进行了统计,阐明了腕足动物的古地理灭绝模式,并认为前乐平世灭绝事件可能与当时全球范围内的大规模海退所引起的栖息地减少有关。  

除了腕足动物化石群以外,本人还对牙形类化石、菊石类化石、古植物化石等都有一定地兴趣,现有研究生分别从事这些方面地研究。 在系统古生物研究方面,他深入研究了十多个国家的腕足类和牙形类动物群。带领团队建立石炭纪-三叠纪全球腕足动物数据库,创建全球生物古地理和多样性演变模式,使其成为判断该时段地体古地理位置和古海道开闭时间以及海洋底栖生态系统演变依据,提出前乐平世事件与当时全球大海退造成的大规模栖息地减少相关等新认识。 在二叠纪生物大灭绝研究中,他与团队成员和国际同行一起共同开展高精度综合年代地层框架、生物多样性定量分析和多种地化指标等研究,论证二叠纪末海陆生物大灭绝的同时性和瞬时性,指出大规模岩浆活动造成地表环境的巨变是导致该生物大灭绝的主因。相关成果在Science、PNAS、EPSL等刊物发表后,引起国内外同行较大关注。发表在Science上的成果入选《2012年度中国科学十大进展》,相关内容被编入美国大学教材等。


1.陈江中、沈树忠编. 1992.全国煤炭系统青年地学工作者优秀论文集。长春:吉林大学出版社,1-178页。

2.曾勇、沈树忠、范炳恒. 1995.豫西义马组中侏罗世植物群.南昌:江西科学技术出版社,1-92页,图版1-32。 

3.何锡麟、梁敦士、沈树忠. 1996.江西二叠纪植物群.徐州:中国矿业大学出版社,1-201页,图版1-98。 

4.何锡麟、沈树忠主编. 1997.地史学。北京:煤炭工业出版社.1-266页。

5. Shen Shuzhong, Shi, G.R. & Archbold, N.W. 2003. Lopingian (Late Permian) brachiopods from the Qubuerga Formation at the Qubu section in the Mt. Qomolangma region, southern Tibet (Xizang), China. Palaeontographica Band 268, 49-101, 15pls. 

6.  Shi, G.R., Campi, M. A. & Shen Shuzhong, (eds.), 2006. The Permian of East and NE Asia. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 26:173-436 (Special Issue) 

7. Shen Shu-zhong, Wang Xiangdong & Erwin, D.H. 2007. Contributions to brachiopod paleontology, Permian and Carboniferous stratigraphy and end-Permian mass extinctions-in memory of Prof. Jin Yugan. Palaeoworld 16 (1-3):1-263. (Special Issue). 

8. Shen Shu-zhong & Shi G.R. 2007. Lopingian (Late Permian) Brachiopoda from South China, Part 1: Orthotetida, Orthida and Rhynchonellida. Bulletin of the Tohoku University Museum, no. 6:1-102. 

9. Wang Xiang-dong, Shen Shu-zhong & Somerville I.D., 2009. Carboniferous and Permian biota, integrative stratigraphy, sedimentology, palaeogeography, and palaeoclimatology. Palaeoworld, 18(2-3):77-212. (Special Issue) 

10.沈树忠、周忠和,主编. 2010.地史时期海陆生物多样性演变。中国科学D:地球科学,40(9):1095-1300。(Special Issue) 

11. Shen Shu-zhong & Zhou Zhong-he (eds.). 2010. Evolution of marine and terrestrial geobiodiversity in the history of the earth. Science in China Series D: Earth Sciences, 53(12):1747-1940. (Special Issue) 

12. Shen Shu-zhong, Henderson, C.M. & Somerville, I.D. 2010. Lopingian (Late Permian) stratigraphy of the world, major events and environmental change. Geological Journal, 45(2-3):119-349. (Special Issue) 

13. Shen Shuzhong, Shi, G.R. 2013. Late Palaeozoic deep Gondwana and its peripheries: stratigraphy, biological events, palaeoclimate and palaeogeography. Gondwana Research 24(1): 1-242. (Special Issue). 

14.  Xu, Yi-gang, Wang, C.Y. & Shen, S.Z., 2014, Permian large igneous provinces: Characteristics, mineralization and paleo-environment effects. Lithos 204:1-270. (Special Issue) 


截至2015年12月,沈树忠已经发表论著140余篇(部),其中国际SCI收录论文50余篇 。 



 3.沈树忠、何锡麟. 1991.重庆中梁山长兴期腕足动物组合层序.地层学杂志,15卷3期,189-196页 

 4.沈树忠、张小萍、玄承锦. 1992.二叠、三叠纪生物绝灭与环境变化的关系。见: 陈江中、沈树忠等编,全国煤炭系统青年地学工作者优秀论文集。长春:吉林大学出版社,198-204页。 

 5.沈树忠、何锡麟、朱梅丽. 1992.重庆中梁山长兴期腕足动物群.见:顾道源主编,中国油气区地层古生物论文集 (3).北京:石油工业出版社.171-196页,图版1-5。 

 6.玄承锦、沈树忠、张小萍. 1993.自然博物馆在地学教学中的应用.煤炭高等教育,第3期,41-43页。 

 7.范炳恒、沈树忠. 1993.论辽南复洲湾地区的本溪组. 辽宁地质,第4期,372-376页。 

 8.沈树忠. 1993.高分辨率事件地层学方法及其展望.煤田地质科技动态,第2期,5-8页。 

 9.沈树忠、范炳恒、张小萍. 1994.西南地区长兴阶至三叠系底部的腕足动物群落.石油与天然气地质,15卷4期,267-274页。 

 10.沈树忠、曾勇、范炳恒. 1994.豫西义马组下含煤段植物群的古生态古气候研究.现代地质,8卷4期,413-420页。 

 11.沈树忠、何锡麟. 1994.贵州贵定长兴阶的腕足动物.古生物学报,33卷4期,440-454页。 

 12. Shen Shuzhong & He Xilin. 1994. Brachiopod assemblages from the Changhsingian to lowermost Triassic of Southwest China and correlation over the Tethys. Newsletters on Stratigraphy 31(3):151-160. 

 13. Shen Shuzhong, Fan Bingheng, Zhang Chuan & Zhang Xiaoping. 1994. A new species of permianellids, taxonomic and paleoecological significance. Geobios 27(4):477-485. 

 14.邵龙义、沈树忠. 1995.广西来宾一带晚二叠世海底扇浊积岩研究.见:王英华、鲍志东、朱莜敏编,沉积学及岩相古地理学新进展,北京:石油工业出版社,267-271页。 

 15.曾勇、沈树忠、范炳恒. 1995.豫西义马组植物群特征及其古生态.煤炭学报,20卷1期,109-112页。 

 16.沈树忠、范炳恒、邵龙义、傅肃雷. 1995.黔桂地区晚二叠世煤层的生物地层对比.煤田地质与勘探,23卷6期,1-5页。 

 17. Shen Shuzhong, He Xilin & Shi, G.R. 1995. Biostratigraphy and correlation of several Permian-Triassic boundary sections in southwestern China. Journal of Southeast Asian Earth Science 12(1-2):19-30. 

 18.邵龙义、沈树忠、艾天建. 1996.广西蓬来滩剖面上二叠统浊积岩的发现及其意义.见:中国矿业大学编,记念高文泰诞辰60周年论文集。北京:煤炭工业出版社.260页。 

 19. Shi, G.R., Shen Shuzhong & Archbold, N.W. 1996. A compendium of Permian brachiopod faunas of the western Pacific Regions. 5: Changhsingian. Published by School of Aquatic Science and Natural Resources Management, Deakin University, Melbourne, 61p. 

 20. Jin Yugan, Shen Shuzhong, Zhu Zhili, Mei Silong & Wang Wei. 1996. The Selong Section, Candidate of the Global Stratotype section and point of the Permian-Triassic boundary. In: The Paleozoic and Mesozoic boundary candidate of global stratotype section and point of the Permian-Triassic boundary. Yin Hongfu (ed.), p. 127-137, pls. 1-3. China University of Geoscience Press, Wuhan. 

 21.范炳恒、沈树忠. 1996.华北地台石炭纪至早二叠世腕足动物群的古生态研究.长春地质学院学报,26卷3期, 248-254页。 

 22.范炳恒、何锡麟、沈树忠. 1996.辽南复洲湾太原组的腕足动物群及其地质意义.中国煤田地质,第8期,17-21页。 

 23.沈树忠、范炳恒、何锡麟、曾勇. 1996.四川南桐地区长兴组一群落及其环境意义.见:中国矿业大学编,记念高文泰诞辰60周年论文集,北京:煤炭工业出版社,126-131页。 

 24. Shen Shuzhong & Shi, G.R. 1996. Diversity and extinction patterns of Permian Brachiopoda of South China. Historical Biology 12:93-110. 

 25. Zeng Yong, Fan Bingheng & Shen Shuzhong. 1997. Paleobotanic evidences for climate getting hot from the Bajocian to the early Bathonian in southern border of North China Platform. Journal of China University of Mining & Technology 7(1):6-10. 

 26. Shi, G.R., Shen Shuzhong & Archbold, N.W. 1997. A compendium of Permian brachiopod faunas of the western Pacific Regions. 5: Dzhulfian, Published by School of Aquatic Science and Natural Resources Management, Deakin University, Melbourne, 65p. 

 27. Tazawa, J. & Shen Shuzhong. 1997. Middle Permian brachiopods from Hiyomo, Mino Belt, central Japan: their provincial relationships with North America. Science Report of Niigata University 1997(12):1-18. 

 28. Shi, G.R. & Shen Shuzhong. 1997. A Late Permian brachiopod fauna from Selong, Southern Xizang (Tibet), China. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria 109(1):37-56. 

 29.邵龙义、沈树忠、张鹏飞、窦建伟. 1997.华南西部晚二叠世碳同位素地层学研究。地层学杂志,21卷4期,312-320页。 

 30.范炳恒、何锡麟、沈树忠. 1997.华北地台晚古生代腕足动物群研究。中国矿业大学学报,第2期,89-94页。 

 31.王伟、沈树忠、朱自力. 1997.中国西藏色龙二叠三叠系界线的碳同位素特征及其意义.科学通报,第4期,406-408页。 

 32. Shen Shuzhong & Tazawa, J. 1997. Two Permianellids (Brachiopoda) from the Middle Permian of the Southern Kitakami Mountains, Northeast Japan. Palaeontological Research 1(4):285-290. 

 33. Shen Shuzhong & Shi, G.R. 1997. Permianella (Brachiopoda) from the Upper Permian of Transcaucasia. Science Report of Niigata University 1997(12): 19-27, pl. 1. 

 34.曾勇、范炳恒、沈树忠. 1998.华北地台南缘中侏罗世气候变热地古植物证据。煤田地质与勘探,26(5):1-3。 

 35. Jin Yugan, Mei Shilong, Wang Wei, Wang Xiangdong, Shen Shuzhong, Shang Qinghua & Chen Z.Q. 1998. On the Lopingian Series of the Permian System, p. 1-18. In Jin Yugan, Wardlaw, B.R. and Wang Yue (eds.). Permian Stratigraphy, Environments and Resources, vol. 2, Palaeoword 9. China University of Science and Technology Press, Hefei. 

 36.范炳恒、何锡麟、沈树忠. 1998.辽东太子河地区石炭系下部红层中的腕足动物群。中国区域地质,17卷1期,52-59页。 

 37. Shi, G.R. & Shen Shuzhong. 1998. A Changhsingian (Late Permian) brachiopod fauna from Son La, northwest Vietnam. Journal of Asian Earth Science 16(5-6):501-511. 

 38. Shen Shuzhong & Shi, G.R. 1998. Taxonomy, biostratigraphy and palaeobiogeography of permianellids (Brachiopoda). Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria 110(1):267-280. 

 39. Shen Shuzhong & Tazawa, J. 1998. Enteletes gibbosus Chronic from Gujohachiman, Central Japan. Science Report of Niigata University 1998 (13):21-27. 

 40. Shi, G.R., Shen Shuzhong & Archbold, N.W. 1999. A compendium of Permian brachiopod faunas of the western Pacific Regions. 7: Analytic data and summary. Published by School of Aquatic Science and Natural Resources Management, Deakin University, Melbourne, 92p. 

 41. Shi, G.R., Shen Shuzhong & Tong Jinnan. 1999. Two discrete, possibly unconnected Permian Marine mass extinctions, p. 148-151. In: Yin Hongfu & Tong Jinnan (eds.), Proceedings of the International Conference on Pangea and the Palaeozoic-Mesozoic Transition, China University of Geosciences Press, Wuhan. 

 42. Shi, G.R., Shen Shuzhong & Archbold, N.W. 1999. Gruntea gen. nov. a new Permian spirigerellid (Brachiopoda) genus from Selong, southern Tibet, China.古生物学报 38(3): 346-352. 

 43. Shen Shuzhong & Jin Yugan. 1999. Brachiopods from the Permian-Triassic boundary beds at the Selong Xishan section, Xizang (Tibet), China. Journal of Asian Earth Science 17(4): 547-559. 

 44. Shen Shuzhong, Tazawa, J.I. & Shi, G.R. 1999. Peltichia from Asia: Taxonomy, biostratigraphy and palaeobiogeography. Journal of Paleontology 73(1): 47-61. 

 45. Shao Longyi, Zhang Pengfei, Dou Jianwei & Shen Shuzhong. 2000. Carbon isotope compositions of the Late Permian carbonate rocks in southern China: their variations between the Wujiaping and Changxing formations. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 161:179-192. 

 46. Chen, Z.Q., Shi, G.R., Shen Shuzhong & Archbold, N.W. 2000. Tethyochonetes gen. nov. (Chonetida, Brachiopoda) from the Late Permian of China. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria, 112(1):1-15. 

 47. Shi, G.R. & Shen Shuzhong. 2000. Asian-western Pacific Permian Brachiopoda in space and time: biogeography and extinction patterns. In: Yin Hongfu, M. Dickens, Shi, G.R. & Tong Jinnan (eds.), Permo-Triassic Evolution of Tethys and Western Circum-Pacific, p. 327-352, Elsevier, London. 

 48. Campi, M.J., Shen Shuzhong, Mohd Shafeea Leman & Shi, G.R. 2000. First record of Permianella He & Zhu, 1979 (Permianellidae; Brachiopoda) from Peninsular Malaysia. Alcheringa, 24:37-43. 

 49. Shen Shuzhong, Archbold, N.W. & Shi, G.R. 2000. Changhsingian (Late Permian) brachiopod palaeobiogeography. Historical Biology 15:121-134. 

 50. Shen Shuzhong, Shi, G.R. & Zhu Kuiyu. 2000. Early Permian brachiopods of Gondwana affinity from the Dingjiazhai Formation, Baoshan Block, western Yunnan, China. Rivista Italiana di Paleontologia e Stratigrafia, 106(3):263-282. 

 51. Shen Shuzhong, Archbold, N.W., Shi, G.R. & Chen, Z.Q. 2000. Permian brachiopods from the Selong Xishan section, Xizang (Tibet), China. Part 1: Stratigraphy, Strophomenida, Productida and Rhynchonellida. Geobios 33(6):725-752. 

 52. Shen Shuzhong & Shi, G.R. 2000. Wuchiapingian (early Lopingian, Permian) global brachiopod palaeobiogeography: a quantitative approach. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 162:299-318. 2465.pdf 

 53. Tazawa, J., Shen Shuzhong & Shi, G.R., 2001. Middle Permian brachiopods from the Dongujimqinqi area, Inner Mongolia, China. Science Report of Niigata University, Ser. E (Geology), 16, 35-45. 

 54. Shi, G.R. & Shen Shuzhong, 2001. A biogeographical mixed, Middle Permian brachiopod fauna from the Boashan Block, Western Yunnan, China. Palaeontology, 44(2):237-258, 3pls. 

 55. Shi, G.R., Shen Shuzhong, Campbell, H.J. & Raksaskulwong, L. 2001. A Meekella-dominated Early Permian brachiopod assemblage from central Peninsular Thailand. In Contributions to Geology and Palaeontology of Gondwana in Honour of Helmut Wopfner, R. H. Weiss (ed.). Geological Institute, University of Cologne, Germany, 441-451. 

 56. Shen Shuzhong, Archbold, N.W. & Shi, G.R., 2001. A Lopingian (Late Permian) brachiopod fauna from the Qubuerga Formation at Shengmi in the Mount Qomolangma region of Southern Xizang (Tibet), China. Journal of Palaeontology, 75(2):274-283. 

 57. Shen Shuzhong & Archbold, N.W. 2001. Chonetoidea (Brachiopoda) from the Lopingian of South China. Alcheringa 25(3-4): 327-350. 

 58. Shen Shuzhong, Archbold, N.W., Shi, G.R. & Chen, Z.Q., 2001. Permian brachiopods from the Selong Xishan section, Xizang (Tibet), China. Part 2: Palaeobiogeographical and palaeoecological implications, Spiriferida, Athyridida and Terebratulida. Geobios, 34(2):157-182. 

 59. Shi, G.R., Shen Shuzhong & Tazawa, J.I., 2002. Permian brachiopods from Inner Mongolia, Northeast China. Palaeontological Research 6(3):285-297. 

 60. Rong Jia-yu & Shen Shuzhong. 2002. Comparative analysis of the end-Permian and end-Ordovician brachiopod mass extinctions and survivals in South China. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 188(1-2):25-38. 

 61.沈树忠, 曹长群,王向东,梅仕龙,金玉玕, 2002.中国西藏喜马拉雅相的乐平统。地质学报,76(4):454-461. 

 62. Shen Shuzhong & Shi, G.R., 2002. Paleobiogeographical extinction patterns of Permian brachiopods in the Asian-western Pacific Region. Paleobiology 28(4):449-463. ShenPaleobiology2002.pdf 

 63. Shen Shuzhong, Shi, G.R. & Fang Zongjie, 2002. Permian brachiopods from the Baoshan and Simao Blocks in Western Yunnan, China. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 20:665-682. 

 64. Shi, G.R., Shen Shuzhong & Zhan Lipei. 2003. A Wuchiapingian brachiopod fauna from the Juripu Formation in the Yarlungzangbo Suture Zone, southern Tibet, China. Journal of Paleontology 77(6):1053-1068. 

 65. Wang Xiangdong, Shen Shuzhong, Sugiyama, T. & West, R.R. 2003. Late Paleozoic corals of Xizang (Tibet) and West Yunnan, southwestern China: successions and paleobiogeography. Palaeobiogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 191:385-397. 

 66.沈树忠, 梅仕龙,王向东,2003.巴基斯坦盐岭地区二叠纪生物地层新进展。古生物学报,42(2):168-173。 

 67. Shen Shuzhong, Sun Dongli & G.R. Shi. 2003. A Capitanian (late Middle Permian) brachiopod fauna from an exotic limestone block at Xiukang in Lhaze County of Tibet. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 21(10):1125-1137. 

 68. Shen Shuzhong, Shi, G.R. & Archbold, N.W., 2003. A Wuchiapingian (Late Permian) brachiopod fauna from an exotic block in the Indus-Tsangpo Suture zone, southern Tibet and its palaeobiogeographical and tectonic implication. Palaeontology 46(2):225-256, 5pls. 

 69. Shen Shuzhong, Cao Changqun, Shi, G.R., Wang Xiangdong & Mei Shilong. 2003. Lopingian (Late Permian) stratigraphy, sedimentation and palaeobiogeography in southern Tibet. Newsletters on Stratigraphy 39(2/3):157-179. 

 70.王小娟、王向东、李文忠、沈树忠、石光荣.2004.滇西保山、泰国西部和南部及澳大利亚悉尼盆地的冈瓦纳相二叠系对比.地层学杂志,28卷4期,336-243.Roadoceras from Tibet.pdf 

 71.王玥、沈树忠、曹长群、C. Henderson、朱国平、徐玉良、刘建铭,2004,浙江长兴煤山吴家坪阶-长兴阶界线地层的再认识。地层学杂志,28卷1期,27-34。 

 72.沈树忠、张 华、李文忠、2004,古生物多样性统计中的偏差及其校正。古生物学报 43(3):433-441。 

 73. Shen Shuzhong, Mu Lin & Zakharov, Y.D., 2004. Roadoceras (Permian Ammonoidea) from the Qubuerga Formation in the Mt. Everest Area in southern Tibet. Gondwana Research 7(3): 863-869. 

 74. Shen Shuzhong & Shi, G.R. 2004. Capitanian (Late Guadalupian, Permian) global brachiopod palaeobiogeography and latitudinal diversity pattern. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 208(3/4): 235-262. 

 75. Shen Shuzhong, T.G. Grunt & Jin Yugan. 2004. A comparative study of Comelicaniidae Merla, 1930 (Brachiopoda, Athyridida) from the Lopingian (Late Permian) of South China and Transcaucasia in Azerbaijan and Iran. Journal of Paleontology 78(5):884-899. 

 76.李文忠、沈树忠. 2005.西藏雅鲁藏布江缝合带内二叠纪灰岩外来体的动物群及其古地理意义.地质论评,51卷31期,1-10,图版1。 

 77.沈树忠、王玥、金玉玕. 2005.二叠系全球界线层型和点位(GSSPs)研究进展.地层学杂志,29卷,2期,138-146. 

 78. He Weihong, Shen Shuzhong, Feng Qinglai & Gu Songzhu. 2005. A late Changhsingian deep-water brachiopod fauna from the Talung Formation at the Dongpan Section in southwestern Guangxi, South China. Journal of Paleontology, 79(5): 927-938. Xu Hankui, Shen Shuzhong, Cheng Liren. 2005. Linoldhamininae, a new subfamily of Lyttoniidae Waagen, 1883 (Brachiopoda) from the Guadalupian (Middle Permian) Xiala Formation in the Xainza area, northern Tibet. Journal of Paleontology, 79(5): 1012-1018. 

 79. Ueno, K., Shi, G. R. & Shen Shuzhong. 2005. Fusulinoideans from the early Midian Metadoliolina dutkevitchi-Monodiexodina sutchanica Zone of the Senkina Shapka section, South Primorye, Far East Russia. Alcheringa 29(2):257-273. 

 80. Shen Shuzhong, Tazawa, J. & Shi, G.R. 2005. Rugosochonetidae (Brachiopoda) from the Carboniferous and Permian of West Spitsbergen. Alcheringa 29(2):241-256. 


 82. Wang Yue, Shen Shuzhong, Cao Changqun, Wang Wei, C.M. Henderson & Jin Yugan. 2006. The Wuchiapingian-Changhsingian boundary (Upper Permian) at Meishan of Changxing County, South China. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 26(6):575-583. 

 83. Shi, G.R., Campi, M. A. & Shen Shuzhong. 2006. The Permian of East and NE Asia, Preface. In: Shi, G.R., Campi, M. A., Shen Shuzhong, (eds.). The Permian of East and NE Asia. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 26:173-174. 

 84. Shen Shuzhong, Tazawa, J. & Ono T. 2006. Scacchinella (Productida, Brachiopoda) from the Kungurian (Lower Permian) of Akasaka, central Japan, with a review of its world distribution. Science Report of Niigata University, Ser. E (Geology) No. 21:19-30. 

 85. Manankov, I.N., Shi, G.R. & Shen Shuzhong. 2006. An overview of Permian marine stratigraphy and biostratigraphy of Mongolia. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 26: 294-303. 

 86. Shen Shuzhong, Cao Chang-qun, Henderson Charles M., Wang Xiang-dong, Shi, G.R. Wang Wei & Wang Yue. 2006. End-Permian mass extinction pattern in the northern peri-Gondwanan region. Palaeoworld 1(1):3-30.End-Permian mass extinction.pdf 

 87. Shen Shuzhong, Zhang Hua, Shang Qing-hua & Li Wen-zhong. 2006. Permian lithostratigraphy and biostratigraphy of Northeast China. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences. 26:304-326. Permian Stratigraphy and correlation of Northeast China a review.pdf 

 88. Shen Shuzhong, Zhang Hua, Li Wenzhong, Mu Lin & Xie Junfang. 2006. Brachiopod diversity pattern from Carboniferous to Triassic in South China. Geological Journal, 41(3): 345-361.C-P brachiopod diversity pattern.pdf 

 89. Jin Yugan, Wang Yue, C.M. Henderson, Shen Shuzhong, Cao Changqun, Wang Wei, 2006. The Global Stratotype Section and Point (GSSP) for the base-Changhsingian Stage (Upper Permian). Episodes, 29(3): 175-182. 

 90. Jin Yugan, Shen Shuzhong, Charles M. Henderson, Wang Xiangdong, Wang Wei, Wang Yue, Cao Changqun & Shang Qinghua, 2006. The Global Stratotype Section and Point (GSSP) for the base-Wuchiapingian Stage and base-Lopingian (Upper Permian) Series. Episodes, (29(4): 253-262. 253-jin text.pdf 

 91. Shen Shu-zhong, Tazawa, J. & Ono T. 2006. Scacchinella (Productida, Brachiopoda) from the Kungurian (Lower Permian) of Akasaka, central Japan, with a review of its world distribution. Science Report of Niigata University, Ser. E (Geology) No. 21:19-30. 

 92. Shen Shu-zhong, Cao Changqun, Henderson, C.M., Wang Xiangdong, Shi, G.R. Wang Wei & Wang Yue. 2006. End-Permian mass extinction pattern in the northern peri-Gondwanan region. Palaeoworld 15(1):3-30. 

 93. Shen Shu-zhong, Tazawa, J. & Ono T. 2006. Scacchinella (Productida, Brachiopoda) from the Kungurian (Lower Permian) of Akasaka, central Japan, with a review of its world distribution. Science Report of Niigata University, Ser. E (Geology) No. 21:19-30.

 94. Shen Shu-zhong, Cao Changqun, Henderson, C.M., Wang Xiangdong, Shi, G.R. Wang Wei & Wang Yue. 2006. End-Permian mass extinction pattern in the northern peri-Gondwanan region. Palaeoworld 15(1):3-30. 

 95. Shen Shu-zhong, Zhang Hua, Shang Qinghua & Li Wenzhong. 2006. Permian lithostratigraphy and biostratigraphy of Northeast China. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences. 26:304-326. [SCI 39] 

 96. Shen Shu-zhong, Zhang Hua, Li Wenzhong, Mu Lin & Xie Junfang. 2006. Brachiopod diversity pattern from Carboniferous to Triassic in South China. Geological Journal, 41(3): 345-361. 

 97.张以春、沈树忠. 2007.西藏拉萨地块的乐平统及其古地理意义.地层学杂志, 31(4):345-353. 

 98. Wang Xiangdong, Shen Shu-zhong & Wang Yue, 2007, Conference Report: The XVI International Congress on the Carboniferous and Permian (ICCP 2007). Episodes 27(4):300-301. 

 99. Crasquin-Soleau Sylvie, Shen Shu-zhong, Li Wenzhong & Cao Changqun. 2007. Ostracods from the Lopingian and Permian-Triassic boundary beds at the Gyanyima section in southwestern Tibet, China. Palaeoworld 16(1/2):222-232. 

 100. Peng Yuanqiao, G.R. Shi, Yongqun Gao, Weihong He & Shen Shu-zhong, 2007. How and why did the Lingulidae (Brachiopoda) not only survive the end-Permian mass extinction but also thrive in its aftermath? Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 252(1-2): 118-131. [SCI 41] 

 101. Kotlyar G.V., Shen Shu-zhong, Kossovaya O.L. & Zhuravlev A.V. 2007. Middle Permian (Guadalupian) biostratigraphy in South Primorye, Russian Far East and correlation with Northeast China. Palaeoworld 16(1-3):173-189. 

 102. Shen Shu-zhong, Wang Yue, Henderson Charles M., Cao Chang-Qun & Wang Wei. 2007. Biostratigraphy and lithofacies of the Permian System in the Laibin-Heshan area of Guangxi, South China. Palaeoworld, 16(1-3):120-139. 

 103. Shen Shu-zhong, Wang Xiang-Dong & Erwin D.H. 2007. Preface of Special issue in memory of Prof. Yu-gan Jin. Palaeoworld 16(1-3):1-3. 

 104. Miao Desui, Shen Shu-zhong & Wang Xiangdong, 2007. A true sower remembered: Prof. Yu-Gan Jin’s contributions to brachiopod paleontology and Carboniferous and Permian stratigraphy. Palaeoworld 16 (1-3):4-8. 

 105. Mu Lin, Y.D. Zakharov, Wen-zhong Li & Shen Shu-zhong. 2007. Early Induan (Early Triassic) cephalopods from the Daye Formation at Guiding, Guizhou Province, South China. Journal of Paleontology, 81(5):858-872. 

 106.谢俊芳,张 华, 沈树忠. 2007.全球腕足动物数据库及定量古生物地理学研究—以二叠纪Rodadian-Wordian期为例。古生物学报 46(4):420-429. 

 107. Shen Shu-zhong. 2007. The conodont species Clarkina orientalis (Barskov and Koroleva, 1970) and its spatial and temporal distribution. Permophiles 50, 25-37. 

 108.陈军, C.M. Henderson, 沈树忠。2008.浙江黄芝山剖面二叠-三叠系界线附近的牙形类序列及其地层对比。古生物学报,47(1):91-114. 

 109. Li Wen-zhong & Shen Shu-zhong. 2008. Lopingian (Late Permian) brachiopods around the Wuchiapingian- Changhsingian boundary at the Meishan sections C and D, Changxing, South China. Geobios, 41(2):307-320. 

 110. Cao Chang-qun, Wang Wei, Liu Lu-jun, Shen Shu-zhong & Summons, R.E. 2008. Two episodes of 13C-depletion in organic carbon in the latest Permian: Evidence from the terrestrial sequences in northern Xinjiang, China. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 270(3/4):251-257. 

 111. Henderson, C.M., Mei Shi-long, Shen Shu-zhong, Wardlaw, B.R. 2008. Resolution of the reported Upper Permian conodont occurrences from northwestern Iran. Permophiles 51:2-9. 

 112. Ehiro, M. & Shen Shu-zhong, 2008, Permian ammonoid Kufengoceras from the uppermost Maokou Formation (Earliest Wuchiapingian) at Penglaitan, Laibin Area, Guangxi Autonomous Region, South China. Paleontological Research, 12:255-259. 

 113. Pan Hua-zhang & Shen Shu-zhong. 2008. Late Permian (Lopingian) gastropods from the upper part of the Qubuerga Formation at the Qubu Section in the Mt. Qomolangma (Everest) region, southern Tibet (Xizang), China. Journal of Paleontology 82(5):1038-1042. 

 114. Shen Shu-zhong, Cao Chang-qun, Zhang Yi-chun, Li Wen-zhong, Shi, G.R., Wang Yue, Wu Ya-sheng, Ueno, K., Henderson, C.M., Wang Xiang-dong, Zhang Hua, Wang Xiao-juan & Chen Jun. 2010. End-Permian mass extinction and palaeoenvironmental changes across the Permian-Triassic boundary in the oceanic carbonate section in Neotethys. Global and Planetary Change, 73:3-14. 

 115. Shen Shu-zhong & Zhang Yi-chun. 2008. Earliest Wuchiapingian (Lopingian, Late Permian) brachiopods in southern Hunan, south china: implications for the pre-Lopingian crisis and onset of Lopingian recovery/radiation. Journal of Paleontology 82 (5): 924-937.. 

 116.沈树忠、王玥、曹长群、王向东、王伟、张华. 2009.二叠纪末生物大灭绝与三叠纪生物复苏。见:沙金庚主编,世纪飞跃—辉煌的中国古生物学。127-131页.科学出版社。 

 117. Clapham, M.E., Shen Shu-zhong & Bottjer, D.J. 2009. The double mass extinction revisited: Re-assessing the severity, selectivity, and causes of the end-Guadalupian biotic crisis (Late Permian). Paleobiology 35(1):33-51. 

 118. Cao Chang-qun, Love, G.D., Hays L.E., Wang Wei, Shen Shu-zhong & Summons, R.E. 2009. Biogeochemical evidence for euxinic oceans and ecological disturbance presaging the end-Permian mass extinction event. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 281:188-201. 

 119. Wang Xiang-dong, Shen Shu-zhong & Somerville, I.D., 2009. Carboniferous and Permian biota, integrative stratigraphy, sedimentology, palaeogeography, and palaeoclimatology—An introduction. Palaeoworld, 18(2-3):77-79. 

 120. Zhang Yi-chun, Wang Yue & Shen Shu-zhong. 2009. Middle Permian (Guadalupian) fusulines from the Xilanta Formation in the Gyanyima area of Burang County, southwestern Tibet, China. Micropalaeontology, 55(5):463-486. 

 121. Shen Shu-zhong, Xie Jun-fang, Zhang Hua & Shi G.R. 2009. Roadian-Wordian (Guadalupian, Middle Permian) global palaeobiogeography of brachiopods. Global and Planetary Change 65:166-181. 

 122. Shen Shu-zhong & M.E. Clapham. 2009. Wuchiapingian (Lopingian, Late Permian) brachiopods from the Episkopi Formation at Hydra, Greece. Palaeontology 52(4):713-743. 

 123. Shen Shu-zhong & Shi, G.R. 2009. Latest Guadalupian brachiopods from the Guadalupian/Lopingian boundary GSSP section at Penglaitan in Laibin, Guangxi, South China and implications for the timing of the pre-Lopingian crisis. Palaeoworld, 18(2-3):152-161. 

 124. Cao Chang-qun, Yang Yun-chong, Shen Shu-zhong, Wang Wei, Zheng Quan-feng & Summons, R.E. 2010. Pattern of?13Ccarb and implications for geological events during the Permian-Triassic transition in South China. Geological Journal, 45(2-3):186-194. 

 125. Zhang Yi-chun, Cheng Li-ren & Shen Shu-zhong. 2010. Late Guadalupian (Middle Permian) fusuline fauna from the Xiala Formation in Xainza County, central Tibet: implication of the rifting time of the Lhasa block. Journal of Paleontology, 84(5):955–973. 

 126. Ehiro, M. & Shen Shu-zhong. 2010. Ammonoid succession across the Wuchiapingian- Changhsingian boundary at the Penglaitan section in the Laibin area, Guangxi, South China. Geological Journal, 45(2/3):162-169. 

 127. Shen Shu-zhong & Zhou Zhong-he. 2010. Preface-Evolution of marine and terrestrial geobiodiversity in the history of the earth. Science in China Series D: Earth Sciences, 53(12): 1747-1749. (沈树忠、周忠和,2010.编者按-地史时期海陆生物多样性演变。中国科学D辑:地球科学,40(9): 1095-1096. 

 128. Shen Shu-zhong, Zhu Mao-yan, Wang Xiang-dong, Li Guo-xiang, Cao Chang-qun & Zhang Hua. 2010. A comparison of the biological, geological events and environmental backgrounds between the Neoproterozoic-Cambrian and Permian-Triassic transitions. Science in China Series D: Earth Sciences. 53(12):1873-1884. (沈树忠、朱茂炎、王向东、李国祥、曹长群、张华, 2010.新元古代-寒武纪与二叠纪-三叠纪转折时期生物和地质事件及其环境背景之比较.中国科学D辑:地球科学, 40(9): 1228-1240). 

 129. Shen Shu-zhong, Henderson, C.M. & Somerville, I.D. 2010. Preface: Lopingian (Late Permian) stratigraphy of the world, major events and environmental change. Geological Journal, 45(2-3):119-121. 

 130. Shen Shu-zhong, Henderson, C.M., Bowring, S.A., Cao Chang-qun, Wang Wei, Wang Yue, Zhang Hua, Zhang Yi-chun & Mu Lin. 2010. High-resolution Lopingian (Late Permian) timescale of South China. Geological Journal, 45(2-3):122-134.   

 131. Shen Shu-zhong, Mei Shi-long. 2010. Lopingian (Late Permian) high-resolution conodont biostratigraphic framework in Iran. Geological Journal, 45(2-3):135-161.   

 132. Wang Yue, Wang Jing, Wang Weijie, Chen Jun, Shen Shuzhong & Henderson, C.M. 2011. Progresses, problems and prospects on the stratigraphy and correlation of the Kungurian Stage, Early Permian (Cisuralian) Series. Acta Geologica Sinica, English Edition, 85(2):387-398.   

 133.樊隽轩,张华,侯旭东, 沈树忠, Wu Shuang-ye,杨群,王玥,罗辉,冷琴,张元动,詹仁斌,陈清, 2011.古生物学和地层学研究的定量化趋势 — GBDB数字化科研平台的建设及其意义.古生物学报, 50(2): 141-153. 

 134.袁东勋、沈树忠. 2011.重庆中梁山凉风垭二叠—三叠系界线附近牙形类生物地层研究。古生物学报,50(4):420-438. 

 135. Chen, B., Joachimski, M.M., Sun, Y.D., Shen, S.Z., Lai, X.L., 2011, Carbon and conodont apatite oxygen isotope records of Guadalupian–Lopingian boundary sections: Climatic or sea-level signal? Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 311:145-153. 

 136. Shen Shu-zhong, Tazawa J. & Miyake Y. 2011. A Kungurian (Early Permian) Panthalassan brachiopod fauna from Hatahoko in the Mino belt, central Japan. Journal of Paleontology, 85(3): 553-566. 

 137. Shen, S.Z., Crowley, J.L., Wang, Y., Bowring, S.A., Erwin, D.H., Sadler, P.M., Cao, C.Q., Rothman, D.H., Henderson, C.M., Ramezani, J., Zhang, H., Shen, Y., Wang, X.D., Wang, W., Mu, L., Li, W.Z., Tang, Y.G., Liu, X.L., Liu, L.J., Zeng, Y., Jiang, Y.F., and Jin, Y.G., 2011, Calibrating the End-Permian Mass Extinction, Science, v. 334, p. 1367-1372. 

 138. Zeng Jun, Cao Chang-qun, Davydov, V. I., Shen Shu-zhong. 2012. Carbon isotope chemostratigraphy and implications of palaeoclimatic changes during the Cisuralian (Early Permian) in the southern Urals, Russia. Gondwana Research, 21:601-610. 

 139. Joachimski, M.M., Lai, X.L., Shen, S.Z., Jiang, H.S., Luo, G.M., Chen, B., Chen, J., Sun Y.D. 2012. Climate warming in the latest Permian and the Permian–Triassic mass extinction. Geology 40(3):195-198. 

 140. Hinojosa, J.L., Brown, S.T., ChenJun, DePaolo, D.J., Paytan, A., Shen S.Z. & Payne, J.L. 2012. Evidence for end-Permian ocean acidification from calcium isotopes in biogenic apatite. Geology 48(8):743-746. 

 141. Zhang Yichun, Shen Shu-zhong, Shi, G.R., Wang Yue, Yuan Dongxun, Zhang Yujie. 2012. Tectonic evolution of the Qiangtang Block, northern Tibet during Late Cisuralian (Late Early Permian): evidence from fusuline fossil records. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 350–352:139–148. 

 142. Shen Shuzhong. Meishan sections in South China: The witness of the largest biological mass extinction during the Phanerozoic. Journal of Geography (Chigaku Zasshi). 121(1):570-678. 

 143. Shen Shu-zhong, Yuan Dong-xun, Henderson C.M., Tazawa J. 2012. Implication of Kungurian (Early Permian) conodonts from Hatahoko, Japan, for correlation between the Tethyan and international timescales. Micropaleontology, 58(6):505-522.   


 145. Wang Xiang-dong, Lin Wei, Shen, Shu-zhong, Chaodumrong, Pol, Shi, G. R., Wang Xiao-juan, Wang Qiu-lai, 2013. Early Permian rugose coral Cyathaxonia faunas from the Sibumasu Terrane (Southeast Asia) and the southern Sydney Basin (Southeast Australia): Paleontology and paleobiogeography. Gondwana Research, 24(1): 185-191.   

 146. Zhang Yi-chun, Shi, G.R., Shen Shu-zhong. 2013. A review of Permian stratigraphy, palaeobiogeography and palaeogeography of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Gondwana Research 24(1):55-76.   

 147. Chen Bo, Joachimski, M.M., Shen Shu-zhong, Lambert, L.L., Lai Xu-long, Wang Xiang-dong, Chen Jun & Yuan Dong-xun. 2013. Permian ice volume and palaeoclimate history: oxygen isotope proxies revisited. Gondwana Research, 24(1): 77-89.   

 148. Liu Xinchun, Wang Wei, Shen Shu-zhong, Gorgij, M.N., Ye Facheng, Zhang Yichun, Furuyama Seishiro, Kano Akihiro, Chen Xiaozheng, 2013. Late Guadalupian to Lopingian (Permian) carbon and strontium isotopic chemostratigraphy in the Abadeh section, central Iran. Gondwana Research 24(1):222-232.   

 149. Clapham, M. E., Fraiser, M. L., Marenco, P. J. & Shen, S. Z., 2013, Taxonomic composition and environmental distribution of post-extinction rhynchonelliform brachiopod faunas: Constraints on short-term survival and the role of anoxia in the end-Permian mass extinction: Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 374:284-292.   

 150. Fan Junxuan, Chen Qing, Hou Xudong, Miller, A.I., Melchin, M.J., Shen Shu-zhong, Wu, Shuangye, Goldman, D., Mitchell, C.E., Yang, Qun, Zhang Yuandong, Zhan Renbin, Wang Jun, Leng Qin, Zhang Hua, Zhang, Linna. 2013. Geobiodiversity Database: A comprehensive section-based integration of stratigraphic and paleontologic data. Newsletters on Stratigraphy 46(2):111-136.   

 151. Wang Xiangdong, Qie Wenkun, Sheng Qingyi, Qi Yuping, Wang Yue, Liao Zhuoting, Shen Shu-zhong & Ueno, K. 2013. The Carboniferous and Lower Permian of South China, sedimentologic cycles and biotic events. Special Publications of Journal of Geological Society of London, 376:33-46.   

 152. Chernykh, V. V., Chuvashov, B. I., Shen, S. Z., and Henderson, C. M., 2013, Proposal for the Global Stratotype Section and Point (GSSP) for the base-Sakmarian Stage (Lower Permian): Permophiles, no. 58, p. 16-26.   

 153. Chuvashov, B. I., Chernykh, V. V., Shen, S. Z., and Henderson, C. M., 2013, Proposal for the Global Stratotype Section and Point (GSSP) for the base-Artinskian Stage (Lower Permian): Permophiles, no. 58, p. 26-34.   

 154. Shen Shu-zhong, Schneider, J.W., Angiolini, L. & Henderson, C.M. 2013. The international timescale: March 2013 update. In: Lucas, S.G. et al., eds. The Carboniferous-Permian transition. New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science, Bulletin 60, p. 411-416.   

 155. Shen Shu-zhong, Zhang Hua, Shi, G.R., Li Wen-zhong, Xie Jun-fang, Mu Lin, Fan Jun-xuan. 2013. Early Permian (Cisuralian) global brachiopod palaeobiogeography. Gondwana Research 24(1):104-124.   

 156. Shen Shu-zhong, Shi, G.R., 2013. Late Paleozoic deep Gondwana and its peripheries: Stratigraphy, biological events,paleoclimate and paleogeography. Gondwana Research 24(1): 1-4.   

 157. Shen Shu-zhong, Cao Chang-qun, Zhang Hua, Bowring, S.A., Henderson, C.M., Payne, J.L., Davydov, V.I., Chen, Bo, Yuan, Dong-xun, Zhang Yi-chun, Wang Wei, Zheng Quanfeng. 2013. High-resolution ?13Ccarb chemostratigraphy from latest Guadalupian through earliest Triassic in South China and Iran. Earth and Plenatary Science letters, 375:156-165.   

 158. Wang Yue, Sadler, P.M., Shen Shu-zhong, Erwin, D.H., Zhang Yichun, Wang Xiangdong, Wang Wei, Crowley, J.L., Henderson, C.M., 2014. Quantifying the process and abruptness of the end-Permian mass extinction. Paleobiology, 40(1):113-129   

 159. Burgess, S.D., Bowring, S.A., Shen, S.Z., 2014. A new high-precision timeline for Earth’s most severe extinction. PNAS, 111(9):3316-3321.   

 160. Garbelli, C., Angiolini, L., Shen, S. Z., Crippa, G., Yuan, D. X., Bahrammanesh, M., Abbasi, S., and Birjandi, M., 2014, Additional brachiopod findings from the Lopingian successionof the Ali Bashi Mountains, NW Iran. Rivista Italiana di Paleontologia e Stratigrafia, 120(1):119-126。   

 161. Zhang Yi-chun, Shi, G.R., Shen Shu-zhong, Yuan Dong-xun, 2014. Permian fusuline fauna from the lower part of the Lugu Formation in the central Qiangtang Block and its geological implications. Acta Geologica Sinica (English Edition), 88(2):365-376. 

 162. Shen, S.Z., Henderson, C.M. 2014. Progress of the Permian Timescale. in Rocha, R., Pais, J., Kullberg, J.C., Finney, S., eds., STRATI 2013, Springer International Publishing, p. 447-451. 

 163. Xu, Y.G., Wang, C.Y. & Shen, S.Z., 2014, Permian large igneous provinces: Characteristics, mineralization and paleo-environment effects. Lithos, 204:1-3. 

 164. Zhang Hua, Shen Shu-zhong, Cao Changqun, Zheng Quanfeng. 2014. Origins of microspherules from the Permian-Triassic boundary event layers in South China. Lithos, 204:246-257. 

 165. Yuan Dong-xun, Shen Shu-zhong, Henderson, C.M. Chen Jun & Zhang Hua. 2014. Revised conodont-based integrated high-resolution timescale for the Changhsingian Stage and end-Permian extinction interval at the Meishan sections, South China. Lithos, 204: 220-245. 

 166. Qiao Li & Shen Shu-zhong. 2014. Global palaeobiogeography of brachiopods during the early Carboniferous—response to the global tectonic reconfiguration, ocean circulation, and climate changes. Gondwana Research, 26:1173-1185. 

 167. Yuan Dong-xun, Zhang, Yi-chun, Zhang Yun-jie, Zhu Tong-xing & Shen Shu-zhong. 2014. First records of Wuchiapingian (Late Permian) conodonts in the Xainza area, Lhasa Block, Tibet, and their palaeobiogeographical implications. Alcheringa, 38(4):546-556. 

 168. Shen Shu-zhong & Tazawa, J. 2014. Pararigbyella and Dicystoconcha (Lyttoniidina, Brachiopoda) from the Middle Permian (Wordian) of Japan. Palaeontological Research 18(4):245-249. 

 169. Yang Bo, Yuan Dong-xun, Henderson, C.M. & Shen Shu-zhong. 2014. Parafurnishius, an Induan (Lower Triassic) conodont new genus from northeastern Sichuan, South China and its evolutionary implications. Palaeoworld, 23, 263-275. 

 170. Shen Shu-zhong & Bowring, S.A. 2014. The end-Permian mass extinction: A still unexplained catastrophe. National Science Review, 1(4):492-495. 

 171. Vuolo, I., Henderson, C.M., Nicora, A., Shen, S.Z., Angiolini, L., Balini, M. 2014. Co-occurrence of Sweetognathus whitei Rhodes, 1963 with early Sakmarian conodonts in SE Pamir. Permophiles (60): 8-10. 

 172. Qiao Li & Shen Shu-zhong. 2015. A global review of the Late Mississippian (Carboniferous) Gigantoproductus (Brachiopoda) faunas and their paleogeographical, paleoecological, and paleoclimatic implications: Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 420:128-137. 


1995年 中国地质学会青年地质科技奖-银锤奖 

2003年 优秀回国人员成就奖 

2003年 江苏省《333新世纪科学技术带头人》(第3层次)

2004年 中国科学院优秀百人计划 

2004年 江苏省在宁部属科研院所“科技标兵”称号 

2005年 政府特殊津贴专家 

2008年 获得江苏省科技进步一等奖(第二获奖人) 

2010年 中国的乐平统及二叠纪末生物大灭绝研究 国家自然科学二等奖(排名第二)  

2011年 江苏省第三期“333新世纪科学技术带头人工程”突出贡献奖 

2012年 阐明二叠纪-三叠纪之交末生物大灭绝的模式及其原因 2012年度中国科学十大进展 

2012年 江苏省《333新世纪科学技术带头人》(第一层次)

2012年 《阐明二叠纪-三叠纪之交末生物大灭绝的模式及其原因》获得《2012年度中国科学十大进展》

2013年 中国古生物学会第七届《尹赞勋地层古生物奖》

2013年 中国古生物学会第七届尹赞勋地层古生物学奖   

2015年 第十四次李四光地质科学奖(地质科技研究者奖)   

2015年12月7日 中国科学院院士(地学部) 

2019年7月4日 国际地层学最高金奖 科研成果奖励 




1997年—2000年 中国的冈瓦纳-晚古生代西藏与滇西海相动物群 澳联邦基金委重大项目(主要参与者和完成人) 

2006年 地史时期海陆生物多样性的演变 科技部973项目(首席科学家)

2008年 新元古代-寒武纪与二叠纪-三叠纪 过渡时期生物事件与环境背景对比研究 国家自然基金委重大国际合作项目 

2013年—2017年 古生代重大海洋生物事件 基金委重大项目 


2018年9月1日 浙江工商大学双聘院士

2004年- 国际二叠纪地层分会秘书长和选举委员(连续两届) 






        1994年以来,沈树忠多次进入西藏进行大量野外工作,建立以藏南为代表的冈瓦纳北缘二叠-三叠纪之交连续的生物、地化和岩石地层序列,改变了该区缺失中、上二叠统的传统认识。通过藏南与雅鲁藏布江缝合带的动物群的比较,提出雅鲁藏布江缝合带外来体和拉萨地块二叠纪地层和动物群与冈瓦纳大陆北缘有本质区别,新特提斯洋在中二叠世业已形成等观点,对认识古特提斯洋的古地理演化有重要意义。在系统古生物研究方面,沈树忠深入研究了十多个国家的腕足类和牙形类动物群。带领团队建立石炭纪-三叠纪全球腕足动物数据库,创建全球生物古地理和多样性演变模式,使其成为判断该时段地体古地理位置和古海道开闭时间以及海洋底栖生态系统演变依据,提出前乐平世事件与当时全球大海退造成的大规模栖息地减少相关等新认识。在二叠纪生物大灭绝研究中,沈树忠与团队成员和国际同行一起共同开展高精度综合年代地层框架、生物多样性定量分析和多种地化指标等研究,论证二叠纪末海陆生物大灭绝的同时性和瞬时性,指出大规模岩浆活动造成地表环境的巨变是导致该生物大灭绝的主因。相关成果在Science、PNAS、EPSL等刊物发表后,引起中国国内外同行的关注。发表在Science上的成果入选《2012年度中国科学十大进展》,相关内容被编入美国大学教材等。2006年起,沈树忠领导国际乐平统工作组,与国际同行进行合作,开展多门类生物地层、化学地层和高精度测年等综合交叉合作研究,使二叠系-三叠系之交的综合年代地层框架精度得到提高。 学术交流 沈树忠在华南、西藏、伊朗、美国等地开展大量生物地层学研究,多次联合组织重大生物事件等重要国际专题会议。作为大会共同主席组织召开了国际石炭-二叠纪地质大会(2007)、国际腕足动物大会(2015)等重要国际会议,并在AAAS年会(2013)等重要国际国内会议上应邀作特邀或主题报告等。









